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  • Forum² Admin

I upgraded one of my legacy licenses so I could access the beta. After browsing a few sites that have the beta installed I am going to install it with the idea that I will move to it once v5 is gold.


If the beta proves as stable as v3 and v4 were when they were beta I might go ahead and move to it right away. I upgraded Admin Addict to v3 and v4 beta before I converted to xenforo when I acquired Admin Talk. Might step out of the box again.


I am not easily impressed by much. I am very impressed with what I see so far.


One of the major things I like is you get all products instead of having to buy each module. This also includes the payment processing app. If I wanted to sell products I don't need an addon.


You get blog, gallery, pages, events and others. Pages is awesome. I used it to build a site that I sold in the early days of 3.0 when it was first released. I can't wait to see what the new version is like.


So look for a site built on with Invision Community v5 soon. I will probably start a new site with. Have to do some brainstorming for a topic.

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