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phpBB 3.2 Rhea is upon us

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Guest phpBB Announcements

Greetings all,


We are happy to announce that the gold release of phpBB 3.2 Rhea will be made available January 7th, 2017.


phpBB 3.2 introduces major changes and new functionality. Among the new features are a completely revised installer including CLI support, a new BBCode system that adds more power to quotes and supports emojis, and full support for PHP 7.1.


We will update our feature highlights page in the coming days to further showcase these changes.

In addition to that, we're further extending the maintenance period of phpBB 3.1 Ascraeus to the end of June 2017 as well as the end of life of phpBB 3.1 being moved to the end of December 2017.


Now, please help us spread the word! Millions of people are already using phpBB, but we'd like them to try the new phpBB.


Thanks for being part of the community and Merry Christmas.


- The phpBB Team & Bertie




You can discuss this announcement in the discussion topic.


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