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phpBB 3.2.0-RC2 released

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Guest phpBB Announcements

Greetings all,


We are pleased to announce the release of phpBB 3.2.0-RC2 "Bertie Reconnaissance Orbiter". This is the second release candidate of the upcoming phpBB 3.2.0 feature release and introduces major changes and new functionality.

Among the new features are the inclusion of VigLink as an extension in the phpBB package, full PHP 7.1 compatibility, as well as SVG emojis, and OAuth v1 support. You can read more about the inclusion of VigLink in our blog post phpBB to ship with VigLink extension.

The second release candidate also further improves timeout handling in the installer and while running database migrations, introduces several improvements to the new BBCode parser, and solves issues with email parsing that were present in the previous release candidate.

In addition to that, both the support for SQLite 2.8.x and the PHP MSSQL extension have been dropped as these are no longer supported in our minimum PHP version 5.4.0. Support for newer versions of those database types is available through SQLite 3 and MSSQL ODBC or MSSQL native respectively.


The full changelog is available in the changelog file within the docs folder contained in the release package. You can find the key highlights of this release candidate on the wiki at https://wiki.phpbb.com/Release_Highlights/3.2.0-RC2 and a list of all issues fixed on our tracker at https://tracker.phpbb.com/issues/?filter=14090


The packages can be downloaded from our Area51 downloads page.


The development team thanks everyone who contributed code to this release:

rxu, Jakub Senko, Matt Friedman, Crizzo, Richard McGirr, JoshyPHP, Daniel Sinn, Wesley Fok, David King, Erwan Nader, Max Krivanek, javiexin, kasimi, Victor A. Safronov, lavigor, 3Di, Dan Villiom Podlaski Christiansen, David Colón, Jmz, Kailey Truscott, Rich McGirr, Michael Miday, Benjamin Staneck, Etienne Baroux, Forumhulp.com, GerB, Jim Mossing Holsteyn, Joas Schilling, MIkhail Gulyaev, Mark Shaw, Michael Cullum, Sumanai, Tobi Schäfer, kilida, markshawtoronto


If you have any questions or comments, we'll be happy to address them in the discussion topic.


- The phpBB Team


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