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4 Dodgy Digital Marketing Assistants

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In today’s technology driven world, digital marketing is widely considered to be the fastest, cheapest, and most convenient way for a company to reach their customers. Most companies are using this to their advantage through the use of e-mails, social networking sites, PPC, and/or SEO campaigns. In fact, one recent study by Econsultancy revealed that 64% of advertisers planned to raise their online advertising budget in 2013. So how can digital marketing help your company?


The first tip is a quick (and free!) way to reach either your companies specific audience or tons of people at once. Something as simple as asking current customers if they would like to receive e-mail updates is a great way to get started. Simply create a company e-mail address and compile a list of client’s e-mail addresses, and you will know that your message is reaching the right people. Just make sure you don’t spam and allow people to opt-out.


If your aim is to reach a wide audience and pull customers in, social networking sites are a fantastic place to do so. First, sign up for any major social networking site. Sites like Pinterest allow you to upload photos and descriptions of your business and any other important information for the customer. Then, take a few moments to type out an eye catching Tweet and thousands of people will potentially know all about the new products you have in stock or this weeks new deals.


One important thing to remember when using these sites is to include “hashtags” or words and phrases prefixed by the symbol ‘#’ in your posts. Using this method to highlight important words in your message will help potential customers find your profile while browsing through the social networking site.


As of September 2013, Twitter alone had 500 million users, so this form of advertising is definitely the cheapest and easiest way to reach a wide range of people.


In addition, posts and Tweets to your businesses page can reach actual customers on a more personal level, letting them know what is new with your business.


Another way to use Internet advertising to your company’s advantage is by actually paying for advertisements on social networking sites and also by using PPC (pay per click) ads using Google Adwords.


Using paid advertisements can reach thousands of new potential customers in one day, and hopefully bring a large percent of them to your company’s page or website but if you are advertising heavily watch out for those PPC costs and keep within budget.


Some social media sites also allow any business to advertise on their sites by setting a daily budget, which grants a certain number of advertisements each day. You can then design one or more advertisements, and specify the target audience using basic demographics like age, gender, and location.


Twitter lets your business pay to promote your tweets or to reserve a spot in Twitter’s “Who to Follow” box, which encourages Twitter users to ‘Follow’ your page. While this method of advertising is certainly not free, it makes it easier to target your specific audience without having to first gain followers or possibly be filtered into an e-mails spam folder.


Another technique for building an online audience is using white hat search engine optimisation strategies. It can take time however to rise organically in the search results, using great content to attract links, correctly optimising titles and H1s, but making sure you don’t over-optimize and trigger a Penguin filter!


Sometimes hitting that front page spot can take months for competitive keyword phrases, but in the long run can reap dividends from people finding your business in the search results of Google, Bing, Yahoo amd DuckDuckGo.

The best thing about digital marketing is not necessarily the choice you have in how to advertise online, but the fact that all of these methods can be combined to send a powerful message.


So, get online and promote your business today, and if you do decide to hire a digital team to help craft your campaign, make sure you avoid the 4 Dodgy assistants listed in the latest infographic from Seocompanyedinburgh.co.uk. Initially they may be as cheap as chips to hire, but in the long run it may cost your business a great deal of expense cleaning up their mistakes.


Brought to you by Jon Harrison.




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