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Inviting You To Try The 7 Days Risk Free Trial Period Of Newly Launched Rank Jumpers Link Building S

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Hello forum members! Good day to all of you! This is Jerico from Rank Jumpers

Link Building Service Company and we're inviting you guys to please visit Rank

Jumpers who just recently launched last December 12, 2011. As part of our

grand opening, we're offering a 7 days (no risk) free trial period for everyone

so that you can try this amazing link building system that will help bring your

online business search engine rankings to the top.


Please allow me to give a bit introduction about Rank Jumpers.


Rank Jumpers was started by two ecommerce website owners that were in a search

for high quality link advertising. For the past 10 years the need for quality

link advertising has done nothing grown to be more important. While Social media,

articles etc offer ways to capture traffic, they are difficult ways to dominate

niches and get " sticky back links". It was also important that the blog post

advertising links get click throughs as well as offer link juice. Many companies

just offer links, links, links without quality and eventually Google will filter

these out. Your Site will stay on a constant yo-yo - "up and down"!



Rank Jumpers Setting The Standard:


Sticky Back Links that tend to get more powerful over time

Quality Control of Links & Sites

Able To Add a lot Of Quality Links In A Short Period Of Time

Not Serious Link Dilution that you get from Social Media and Article Sites

Easy To Use Dashboard To Monitor and Order Projects & Posts

Outsourcing To Save Time and Get Fast Results Without Having To Write (we write, you write or hire writers)

But Also Have The Ability to Write Yourself or Hire Writers

No Spun Content - Each Post Unique and Different

Super Affordable (Low Monthly Fee - No Contracts)


Founded in Atlanta, Ga - Rank Jumpers offer the very highest quality of link

that is relevant, unique and not spun or copied. Each post must be unique.

Each project and post is approved manually to make sure that there is no spamming.


"We truly wanted to create a system where the blog post acted as a "calling card"

for your business - a true advertisement that not only get's click throughs but

also gets you back links to raise your search engine rankings for keywords that

pertain to your website.





High Quality 1 Way Back Links

100% Permanent Links (We will never take them down)

Time Released (natural) Post frequency with multiple options

Automation Options to schedule your posting

100% Content Relative Blog Links

Different class C IP Address That Is Important For Optimal "LINK BANG"

Healthy Page Rank (From PR1 to PR5 With Some Up and Comers)

& Each Post Has Different Unique Content

Old Domains - All of our blogs have Domain Age (No new site)


Even more amazing features


In Content - No Footer or Sidebar Links That Don't Work Well

Keyword Rich Titles & Headers - The Secret!

You Pick How Fast Blog Posts Are Distributed - Drip Feed

100% White Hat Link Building Through Permanent Advertising On Blogs





Easy Control With Our Unique Dashboard

No Adding Special Codes To Websites

1 Minute To Sign Up 8 Minutes To load Links Manually Or Bulk Upload

Outsource Post Writing To Us, Write Yourself, Or Hire Writers (login for writers hire up to 5

writers and allow them to login on our backend simply approve the posts)

Article (blog) posts are sent out over our powerful network.

Different ips + different domains + unique content + key phrases in titles


1000s of Untapped Blogs (move website search engine listings faster)



Rank Jumpers doesn't only provide an amazing link building service but as well

offer opportunities for publishers to make money by providing something good

to their audience. SEO products and services is one of the most sought after

products and service in the market and Rank Jumpers is beyond just any other link

building service out there. This credit Rank Jumpers to really bring

you a reliable source of income.




35% Tier 1 Recurring Commission

5% Tier 2 when you sign up other affiliates

Subscriptions are sold for $57.95 (1 to 5 sites) to $127.95. These are monthly

subscriptions; therefore you will get monthly commissions based on the subscriptions.

As long as the accounts are active you will get paid!

Payable every 2 weeks (1st and 15th of the month)

Other benefits


We sincerely invite you guys to take part in one of the best money making

opportunities available! For those who are interested of becoming our

partner, you can sign up for an affiliate account at the affiliate sign-up page

on the site. Just google the keyword "rank jumpers" and click the 1st result

to get directed on Rank Jumpers website.


Affiliate resources can be found on the affiliate sign-up page as well.


Please contact me at jerico dot rankjumpers@gmail dot com for questions, partnership

confirmation and other information regarding Rank Jumpers Link Building Service Company.

Thank you so much for your time and we look forward to hear from you.


Very Truly Yours,



RankJumpers Team

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